Sexual Health Article Feed
February 9th, 2025
Violence among pregnant women in Denmark from 2019 to 2021 - A hospital-based cross-sectional study.
Kristine Hegaard H; Sharif H; Ankerstjerne LBS; Serhatlioglu S; Schroll AM; Midtgaard J; Renault KM; Broberg L pubmed id: 38104502The study looked at how common violence is for pregnant women and their health. They found that 4% experienced violence in their lifetime and 1.6% recently, with younger women, smokers, and those with health issues being more affected. The research also suggests that these numbers might be lower than the actual figures, so better ways to check for violence are needed.
Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention Perspectives in Black Men Who Have Sex With Men Taking Preexposure Prophylaxis in New Orleans.
Clement ME; Beckford J; Lovett A; Siren J; Adorno M; Legrand S; Bennett M; Taylor J; Hanlen-Rosado E; Perry B; Corneli A pubmed id: 38100815Black men who are attracted to other men have more health problems related to sexually transmitted infections in the Southern US. They need more ways to protect themselves from these infections, even if they are already taking PrEP medicine.
Clinical Presentations and Treatment Outcomes of Mycoplasma genitalium Infections at a Large New York City Health Care System.
Mullis CE; Marlow KA; Maity A; Fazzari M; Zingman BS; Keller MJ; Meyerowitz EA pubmed id: 38100794Mycoplasma genitalium is a new infection that can be spread through sex. It is hard to treat because it is becoming resistant to common medicines. Knowing the symptoms and best treatments helps doctors care for patients better.
Exploring barriers and strategies for improving sexual and reproductive health access for young men in Sweden: Insights from healthcare providers in youth clinics.
Pettersson J; Baroudi M pubmed id: 38091863Youth clinics in Sweden are not seeing as many boys as girls. The study talked to doctors and nurses to understand why boys aren't coming and how to make the clinics better for them.
Between Heteronormativity and Acceptance: Gays and Lesbians in Private and Public Space in a Comparative Perspective.
Kuhar R; Švab A pubmed id: 38088565This study looked at how life for gay and lesbian people in Slovenia changed from 2004 to 2014. It found that, despite some positive changes in families, like more acceptance, there was still a lot of violence, especially in schools. Also, after telling their families, many still felt ignored or faced silence.
"The future is unstable": Exploring changing fertility intentions in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Raybould A; Mynarska M; Sear R pubmed id: 38084828This research looked at how people in the UK changed their plans about having babies because of COVID-19. It wanted to find out if the pandemic made them think differently about having children and why that happened.
Prevalence and predicting factors for commonly neglected sexual side effects to brachytherapy for prostate cancer: a cross-sectional observational study.
Beji S; Nolsøe AB; Jensen CFS; Østergren PB; Sønksen J; Bisbjerg R; Jakobsen H; Fode M pubmed id: 38074492Low-dose-rate brachytherapy is a treatment for prostate cancer that is close to the prostate. Doctors know a lot about how it affects erections, but not much is known about how it affects other parts of sexual health.
Long-term effects of vaginal surgery and endogenous ovarian hormones on the vagina and bladder.
Ho T; Zhang J; Wen Y; Guo S; Dobberfuhl AD; Chen B pubmed id: 38074491Many people get surgery for a condition called pelvic organ prolapse (POP). But sometimes, the problem comes back, and another surgery is needed, which can make life and feeling happy worse for them.
Engaging older Australians in sexual health research: SHAPE2 survey recruitment and sample.
Bourchier L; Temple-Smith M; Hocking J; Bittleston H; Malta S pubmed id: 38071758This study looks at what older Australians need for their sexual health. They made an online survey for Australians aged 60 and older in 2021, comparing their results with national statistics and a similar study from 2015.
Using crowdsourcing at an academic conference to develop STI testing messaging for public dissemination.
Davis A; Kpokiri E; Li C; Day S; Yan X; Marley G; Landers SE; Tucker JD pubmed id: 38071540This paper is about creating a plan to involve people at a big STI meeting to help make messages about STI testing. They also talk about sharing these messages on social media.
Sexual experiences of postmenopausal women in China: a qualitative study.
Chen J; Zhai H; Jin H; Li X; Zhang P; Chen R pubmed id: 38058407After menopause, many women have trouble with sexual problems. This can make them feel unhappy and affect their life in a bad way.
The pleasure, joy and positive emotional experiences of abortion accompaniment after 17 weeks' gestation.
Kimport K; McReynolds-Pérez J; Bercu C; Cisternas C; Wilkinson Salamea E; Zurbriggen R; Moseson H pubmed id: 38056488Researchers studied how helping others with abortions can sometimes bring positive feelings like joy and belonging. They interviewed volunteers in Argentina, Chile, and Ecuador who help women through abortions and found that these volunteers felt happiness from building a community and supporting others.
Women's experiences of consent to induction of labour: A qualitative study.
Kelly C; Whitten M; Kennedy S; Lanceley A; Nicholls J pubmed id: 38056385This study looks at how pregnant women feel about agreeing to have labor started by doctors. It finds out what happens when women don't need to give written permission for this process.
Caesarean section rate reduced by a redesigned birthing room. Results of a quality improvement intervention at a hospital in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Berg M; Berg U; Mapatano E; Mukwege D pubmed id: 38056384Researchers studied how a new birthing room in a hospital in the Democratic Republic of Congo affected the number of C-sections in first-time moms who went into labor naturally.
Sense of coherence, its components and depressive and anxiety symptoms in expecting women and their partners - A FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study.
Sirkiä C; Laakkonen E; Nordenswan E; Karlsson L; Korja R; Karlsson H; Kataja EL pubmed id: 38056383Having a strong sense of coherence helps expecting mothers stay healthy and feel better. We don't know much about how this affects both moms and dads during pregnancy. We also need to learn more about how it connects to feeling sad or worried.
The impact of COVID-19 and long COVID on sexual function in cisgender women.
Seehuus M; Fertig M; Handy AB; Clifton J; Stanton AM pubmed id: 38055615Researchers think COVID-19 affects how well men's bodies work in sexual activities, but they don't know much about how it affects women.
"O" no: a Reddit analysis of orgasmic dysfunction.
Belcher R; Sim D; Meykler M; Owens-Walton J; Hassan N; Rubin RS; Malik RD pubmed id: 38053613Some girls on Reddit talked about why they might have trouble with orgasms. They also discussed how this affects their feelings and relationships.
The rs6296 polymorphism in the 5-HT1b receptor in Dutch men with lifelong premature ejaculation: a genetic case-control association study.
van Raaij JJ; Janssen PKC pubmed id: 38050328Lifelong premature ejaculation (LPE) is when someone has trouble controlling ejaculation very quickly during sexual activity. This is thought to happen because of problems in the brain that are passed down from parents.
Evaluating preanalytical sample storage parameters for nucleic acid-based detection of .
Fernando JA; Krysiak M; Prestedge J; Azzato F; Williamson DA; Pasricha S pubmed id: 38050184Doctors need to think about how they handle samples to make sure disease tests are right. This study looks at how storage time, temperature, and buffer affect test results for a disease.
Modelling the impact of vaccination and sexual behaviour adaptations on mpox cases in the USA during the 2022 outbreak.
Clay PA; Asher JM; Carnes N; Copen CE; Delaney KP; Payne DC; Pollock ED; Mermin J; Nakazawa Y; Still W; Mangla AT; Spicknall IH pubmed id: 38050171The mpox outbreak in 2022 affected more than 30,000 people in the USA. Most cases happened because of sexual contact between men. Vaccination and having fewer sexual partners helped lower the number of cases.
Anorectal gonorrhoea and chlamydia among transgender women in Brazil: prevalence and assessment of performance and cost of anorectal infection detection and management approaches.
McCartney DJ; Luppi CG; Silva RJC; de Araújo S; Bassichetto KC; Mayaud P; Veras MA pubmed id: 38050133The study looked at how common certain infections (NG and CT) are in transgender women in Brazil. It also checked how well different ways of finding and treating these infections work and what they cost.
STI-X: a novel approach to STI testing in rural and regional Victoria, Australia.
Evans D; Cowen K; Fairley C; Randall C; Hocking J; Ludwick T; Tomnay J pubmed id: 38043924In places far from big cities, it can be hard for people to get tested for STIs. A new vending machine called STI-X helps people get tested easily, without having to wait long or worry about privacy. This helps keep more people healthy and makes the healthcare system less busy.
Are women-who-have-sex-with-women an 'at-risk' group for cervical cancer? An exploratory study of women in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Ellis SJ pubmed id: 38043923This study looks at why women who have sex with other women do not get screened for cervical cancer as much as other women. It focuses on what these women in New Zealand think about this issue, and it is the first study of its kind in that country.
Women's experiences of being assisted by two midwives during the active second stage of labour: Secondary outcomes from the Oneplus trial.
Tern H; Rubertsson C; Ekelin M; Dahlen HG; Häggsgård C; Edqvist M pubmed id: 38041929Having two midwives help during childbirth can reduce serious injuries. Researchers found that this new practice helped reduce these injuries by 30% compared to having just one midwife.
"The ignored pain" - experiences of encounters with healthcare from the perspective of women with pain persisting after childbirth - a qualitative study.
Molin B; Zwedberg S; Berger AK; Sand A; Georgsson S pubmed id: 38041928Many women still feel pain long after having a baby. Doctors say it's important to find and treat this pain early, but often, women don't get the help they need in the first year after having their baby.
Exposure to violence and associated factors among abortion-seeking women - A multicentre study in Sweden during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Klemets L; Makenzius M pubmed id: 38039662This study looked into what causes women, who are trying to have an abortion, to experience violence in the past year.
Understanding male involvement in antenatal care in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania: Barriers, facilitators, and opportunities for engagement.
Sao SS; Kisigo GA; Osaki H; Coleman JN; Renju J; Mwamba RN; Ngocho JS; Mmbaga BT; Watt MH pubmed id: 38039661This study looks at ways to get more men to go with their partners to doctor visits when they are expecting a baby. It talks about what makes it hard and what could help men be more involved in these visits.
Detransition and Desistance Among Previously Trans-Identified Young Adults.
Littman L; O'Malley S; Kerschner H; Bailey JM pubmed id: 38038854Some people who used to identify as transgender don't anymore and say this change made them feel better. They had first felt like they were transgender around age 17 and often took steps to live as their identified gender. Many had other mental health issues that they thought were related to feeling transgender, and later realized those issues were different.
Opening a portal to pleasure based sexual and reproductive health around the globe; a qualitative analysis and best practice development study.
Mills R; Northcott K; Kovacs E; Philpott A pubmed id: 38037813This study found that including pleasure in sexual health programs can make them more successful and help people practice safer sex. Researchers talked to people who work in this area and learned about their experiences, finding that pleasure can lead to more open conversations about sex. They came up with helpful advice for others who want to try this approach.
Delayed, dramatic breast swelling in a transgender woman: a case report.
Szymanski K; Munabi N; Garcia M; Ray E pubmed id: 38034089More people in the U.S. are getting gender-affirming surgeries, like breast implants for transgender women. These women want their breasts to look more feminine, but they often do not get the regular check-ups and care that non-transgender women receive.
Safety profile and signal detection of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors for erectile dysfunction: a Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System analysis.
Shin YE; Rojanasarot S; Hincapie AL; Guo JJ pubmed id: 38034088Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors are usually safe to use, but sometimes they can cause rare and serious side effects.
Polygamous Interest in a Mononormative Nation: The Roles of Sex and Sociosexuality in Polygamous Interest in a Heterosexual Sample from the UK.
Thomas AG; Harrison S; Mogilski JK; Stewart-Williams S; Workman L pubmed id: 38030825Polygamy is when one person has many partners, and the partners are only with that person. Researchers studied people's interest in polygamy and found that men were more open to polygamy than women, but both found polygamy less appealing than having just one partner. Interest in having many partners was linked to how open people were to casual relationships.
Impact of type D personality and depressive symptoms on premature ejaculation in young adult males.
Liao WC; Cheng WM; Fan YH; Liou YJ pubmed id: 38028734This research paper talks about a condition called premature ejaculation (PE), which affects men and can cause emotional problems. It also mentions a personality type called Type D personality (TDP), which is linked to feelings like anxiety and depression. The paper says that scientists aren't sure if PE and TDP are connected.
Secondary phallic prosthesis placement in transgender patients postmetoidioplasty: a case report on technique and outcome.
Claeys W; Weynants L; Jamaer C; Van der Jeugt J; Hoebeke P; Spinoit AF pubmed id: 38028733Gender affirming surgery helps transgender people change their bodies to match their gender. Sometimes, this surgery changes the private parts to look more like the person's gender. Different methods are used, and some have special benefits, but they might not always work for everything a person wants.
Role of adipose-derived stem cells in healing surgically induced trauma of the rat's tunica albuginea.
Sharqawi A; Mansour MF; Elatrash GA; Ismail EA; Ralph D; El-Sakka AI pubmed id: 38028732Using fat-derived stem cells can help heal a part of the body called the tunica albuginea. This might stop scarring and improve problems with erections.
Psychometric Exploration of the Swedish Translation of the Sexual Orientation Microaggressions Scale (SOMS), and a Commentary on the Validity of the Construct of Microaggressions.
Di Luigi G; Claréus B; Mejias Nihlén T; Malmquist A; Wurm M; Lundberg T pubmed id: 38019554The study looked at how well a tool to measure small acts of discrimination worked for Swedish people who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual. It found that the tool worked well in some ways but not in others. The study suggests more research is needed to understand these small acts better.
Sexual Consent Norms in a Sexually Diverse Sample.
Harris EA; Morgenroth T; Crone DL; Morgenroth L; Gee I; Pan H pubmed id: 38017253The study looked at how people understand and use sexual consent. It found that people in the BDSM community use clear consent more often and don't find consent talks disruptive, unlike others. The study showed that different groups have different ways of thinking about consent.
Setting research priorities for prevention and response to child marriage in communities in the Arab region: findings from a multi-stage Delphi study involving practitioners across the region.
Metzler J; Hutchinson A; Kiss K pubmed id: 38010883Many young girls are being forced to marry, and it's getting worse in some places. Experts worked together to find out what we need to learn more about to help stop this. They found many areas that need more study, especially how to use facts to make programs better.
La pratique contraceptive moderne chez les adolescentes au Bénin: Tendances, déterminants et perspectives / Modern contraceptive use among adolescents in Benin: trends, determinants and prospects.
Acotchéou PE; Affo MA; Dansou J; Delvaux T; Saizonou ZJ pubmed id: 38010343The use of modern birth control is slowly increasing among young people in Benin. The study looked at how often teenage girls use birth control and what affects their choices. It found that girls from richer families, who go to school, or who use family planning services are more likely to use birth control.
Sleep and Socioemotional Outcomes Among Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study.
Wong ML; Nagata JM; Barreto M pubmed id: 37993697The study looked at how sleep affects feelings and friendships for teens who are part of sexual and gender minority groups. It found that teens who have trouble sleeping often have worse feelings and relationships, especially for gender minority teens. The researchers think that helping these teens sleep better could improve their emotions and social lives.
Navigating Love in a Post-Pandemic World: Understanding Young Adults' Views on Short- and Long-Term Romantic Relationships.
Mengzhen L; Lim DHJ; Berezina E; Benjamin J pubmed id: 37985563Young adults in Malaysia have different ideas about short-term and long-term romantic relationships. Girls think "love" and "marriage" are important in long-term relationships, while boys think about "trust" and "comfort." Both boys and girls see short-term relationships in a positive light, and boys see short-term and long-term relationships as very different.
Trends in IgG seroprevalence in the general population of the Netherlands over 20 years.
Alexiou ZW; van Aar F; Hoenderboom BM; Morre SA; Heijne JCM pubmed id: 37985129Researchers studied how many people in the Netherlands had Ct from 1996 to 2017 by age and sex. They also looked at what might increase the chance of having it.
Digital privacy is a sexual health necessity: a community-engaged qualitative study of virtual sex work and digital autonomy in Senegal.
Friend J pubmed id: 37982806During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people working in the sex industry used online tools to stay safe from the virus and other diseases. However, they faced risks like their private pictures being shared without permission. While they liked the health benefits of online work, they stopped when lockdowns ended because the risk of their privacy being exposed was too high. They suggested that phone apps should have better privacy features, and they want tech companies to help protect their privacy.
Preferences for onward health data use in the electronic age among maternity patients and providers in South Africa: a qualitative study.
LeFevre A; Welte O; Moopelo K; Tiffin N; Mothoagae G; Ncube N; Gwiji N; Shogole M; Slogrove AL; Moshani N; Boulle A; Goudge J; Griffiths F; Fairlie L; Mehta U; Scott K; Pillay N pubmed id: 37982758Many people in South Africa don't know their health data is used for more than their own medical care. While they like having their health information stored electronically, understanding how their data is shared or used can be hard. It is important to create systems that ask for patient permission before using their health data in new ways.
Asked to be a sperm donor: disclosure dilemmas of gay men living with HIV.
Pralat R; Anderson J; Burns F; Barber TJ pubmed id: 37982670Some men living with HIV have to decide whether to tell people about their status when asked to be sperm donors by female friends. This study looks at how keeping their HIV status secret can affect their friendships and decisions about helping with having kids.
: findings from the formative research to inform the initiative "Reaching those most left behind through comprehensive sexuality education for out-of-school young people" in Colombia.
Vega Casanova J; Blanco J; Rovira NB; Pulido Jaramillo DM; Pacheco KA; Camacho-Hubner AV pubmed id: 37982434This research took place in Colombia where they worked with teenagers to learn about their understanding of important topics like pregnancy and diseases. The teens participated in fun activities to share their thoughts, which helped create better ways to teach about these topics in places other than school.
Assessing acceptability and effectiveness of a pleasure-oriented sexual and reproductive health chatbot in Kenya: an exploratory mixed-methods study.
Njogu J; Jaworski G; Oduor C; Chea A; Malmqvist A; Rothschild CW pubmed id: 37982143A study was done to see if a chatbot could help young people in Kenya learn about staying healthy and safe in their relationships. The chatbot made people feel more confident and better at talking about important topics with their partners. Many who used the chatbot liked it because it was private and helpful, and it made them better at communicating and being safe in their relationships.
Post-exposure prophylaxis, STI testing and factors associated with follow-up attendance: a review of 4159 cases of acute post-sexual assault medical care.
Kane D; Holmes A; Eogan M pubmed id: 37977653The study talks about medical care for people after a sexual assault. It looks at how fast they get help and checks if they come back for more tests. This research was done with a focus on the centers in Ireland that help these people.
Effects of Rurality on Distance and Time Traveled to Receive Vaccination Against Mpox-New Mexico and Idaho 2022-2023.
Stadelman-Behar AM; Cahill ME; Newell K; Sievers M; Gehre M; Carter KK; Sosin DM; Torrone EA pubmed id: 37977191People living in the countryside had to travel much farther and took longer to get the mpox vaccine compared to people living in cities. Making the vaccine available in more places could help more people get it.
Sexual and reproductive health and rights decision-making among Australian migrant and refugee youth: a group concept mapping study.
Napier-Raman S; Hossain SZ; Mpofu E; Lee MJ; Liamputtong P; Dune T pubmed id: 37975673This study looked at how young people from migrant and refugee groups make decisions about sexual and reproductive health (SRH). It found that good relationships and safe practices are important for them, and young people think healthy relationships matter more than the adults helping them do. The study suggests that policies should include feelings and relationships, not just medical stuff.